Petter – Slag under bältet

Since the release of his greatest hits compilation “X”, Petter has been working on some new material and  a couple of weeks ago he wrote about the video-shoot for his upcoming single “Slag under bältet” on his blog . Petter says this about the track himself:

“This is how I want my Hip Hop and Petter to sound from 2009 and forward. Collén and Webb made a great beat that contained that classic old-school vibe that I’ve been missing and searching for”

The official release for the video and track is on Monday but in collaboration with Comviq, Petter is giving you the video and track as a free download today!This offer only lasts until 12.00 on Monday so you have to be quick if you want to get it for free, the only thing you have to do is to type in your phone number and you’ll receive a download link (personally I think I’ll have to wait until monday since my iPhone probably won’t allow me to download it). Petter will also be a guest on Filip & Fredriks  Söndagsparty this sunday and will perform it live on the show.

The track is produced by Collén & Webb and the video is directed by Oskar Ljungholm and shot by Niklas Johansson. If you by any chance (like me) go an iPhone the track will be aviliable on iTunes Store and Spotify from moday!

Click here to go to Comviq’s homepage to download the track and watch the video!

  • Maria

    Känns trist, som om han inte kan bestämma inriktning på sin musik. Detta låter inte alls nytt, mer som en blandning av hans sämsta låtar. Helt klart en besvikelse för mig.

  • Daniel

    Mjo fast å andra sidan verkar det ju inte som att han satsar på att ha ett “nytt”-sound utan snarare old-school bombap. Jag har inte hört hela låten ännu, men jag tycker den är helt okej. Men definitivt inte hans bästa, det håller jag med om.

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